Friday, June 5, 2009

One Tough Wonder Dog

Last night our worst fear happened. Scout was hit by a car. It happened across the street by Jamestown. He had ran in front of me and Sadie across the street, which he usually doesn't do. Then he came back across to us . A lady hit him broadside going about 25 mph. Luckily she didn't run over him. It knocked him about 20 feet to the side. It made the most horrific sound you could ever imagine. It was dark so the lady couldn't see him. She stopped, freaking out, my neighbor was walking her 2 dogs and saw the whole thing, she was freaking out, I was freaking out. I told the lady it wasn't her fault. Thank goodness Chloe wasn't there. After he was hit, he got up and ran over to me dazed and confused. A little blood from his heel, but no apparent broken bones. No limping. He was walking/running fine. I kept a close eye on him last night. This morning we went for our walk and he retrieved his bumpers like he does every morning, a little more sore than usual, but was running fine. The picture is from this morning. What dog gets hit by a 1000+ lb piece of metal going 25 mph and lives? A Wonder Dog. He does stay real close to me now on our walks, I wonder why?


hayleyrowan said...

this means you've had two dogs both hit by cars... i might have to call animal control... glad he's ok, poor scout.

Robyn Cox said...

Wow! What a Wonder Dog! I am so glad he is alright. These animals become members of the family -- it is scary when something happens to them. Give him an extra doggie treat from us.

Costanza said...

Holy shit, if you would have lost Scout to that car I would have revoked your dog license(s). THE VILLAGE IS DANGEROUS FOR DOGGIES!!! Keep the dog out of the street fer gawd sakes.

Very glad he is ok!!!!!!

VOO said...

We need to get Scout up to the cabin for some R & R. All is well that ends well. That lady driver is also lucky. If she would have run into Oil Can while going 25 mile per hour, it would have totaled her car.

oil can said...

Scout and I go way back.. even to the time of Scouts parents lucky moment... so I was happy to hear he survived and is wiser... it's too bad Voo doesn't learn from his mistakes... but... Voo continues to dish me (even on this blog site)... which could prove to be a HUGE mistake for him ...

Esmerelda said...

I was sick when I heard the phrase from Mom, "Scout got hit by a car." But hugely relieved to hear that all appeared to be well. Great picture. Here's to a very long life for the Wonder Dog.

Esmerelda said...

PS: Esmerelda doubles as your Seattle sister.