Over the weekend....
They thought they would send him home Thursday but decided he needed a few extra days. Bilateral knees are a lot more difficult to recover from. So Friday evening they transferred him to a rehabilitation hospital. We stayed all day with him Saturday, watching football, going on milkshake and soup runs. Saturday morning Becky called his Dr because his coloring was a little yellow, and she was just nervous about him. Saturday night they took a blood sample and discovered he needed a blood transfusion. He should have been at a 35 and he was at like 22. Which explains why he's been freezing cold all week. So Sunday morning my mom and Riley met him in the ER. Riley stayed all 8 hours while they pumped 4 pints of blood. Meanwhile, my dad had told my mom he wanted to come home instead of back to the hospital, so my mom, Grant and I were busy all day running around, trying to turn the living room into a hospital room. We even got a hospital bed put in. So Sunday night the hospital took him home. He seemed extremely relieved to be home. And I will admit it's so nice not to see him in those hospital rooms anymore. Last night my mom got up every 2 hours to give him his medications, she said between her alarm going off and his bell ringing, she felt like she had a new born baby... it's a lot of work for her, but we all think he'll heal better and faster now that he's home. The physical therapist will come to the house for awhile. He's eating a little more and his knees feel a little better day by day. So all in all, it was a long weekend for everyone (especially him obviously) but I think things have taken a turn for the better. I think in one week he'll really start to feel a difference.
Thank you, Hayley! These are wonderful writeups. I only got the news last night that L. had to have the transfusion (Jackie had left me a message but something weird is going on with my cell phone, which was mysteriously off). You guys are all awesome, in your care of Wolf Man. Yay, that he's now home. Love you, and thanks for this update. Shelliet
What an ordeal!! Poor Larry...and poor Becky! Please send him my best wishes and love.
Oh! Those knees look sore! Thanks for the update. I am relieved to hear the transfusion went well and he is home. There is no place like home!
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